Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1.

Today, it's 2011. Day 1. Day 1/1/11, to be exact. I only have eleven minutes (no one-related pun intended, It's seriously 11:49pm, CST) left in this day to get this off and running, so here goes nothing.

It's been nearly two years since I have ventured into the virtual vulnerability of the blogging world. I've imported some recipes from a former life, but today is Day 1: I'm giving myself a break. I cannot crank out the work of 4 people in one day. I cannot cook three square meals and work full time and categorize my recipes by both season, vegetable, and flavor palate. (Lesson 1: I'm a perfectionist. Like, a textbook organize-my-life-I-love-lists-98%-is-not-good-enough perfectionist. I'm working on that). I cannot function on 4 hours of sleep and 5 cups of coffee. I will not read each magazine that comes through my mailbox and try each recipe that I have collected for the past 10 years.  But what I can and will do is enjoy the time that I do have to cook, to work, to craft, and to spend with my sweet little family.

I've been hemming and hawing about blogging for what seems like years. Sometimes I think it sounds like just another thing to add to my to-do list.. sometimes I read other's blogs and think that I have something to share.. and somewhere in my head a nagging voice has been telling me to hurry up already and give it a try - quite honestly, my crutch has been that I was never really quite sure what kind of a blog I wanted this to be..

.. a food blog? nah.. my photography really isn't up to par ..
.. a family blog? eh.. there's Facebook for photos and we really haven't been doing anything remotely bloggable lately..
.. a crafting blog? .. fun, but at the rate I've been going, there would be approximately 4 posts per year.
.. a professional blog? .. risky, with disclaimers and whatnot..

I started to consider what my favorite blogs were, and the answer is the ones whose authors seem real.. those blogs that give me creative ideas to institute in my own life.. those that are beautiful (sorry reader, I'm no graphic designer..) and the ones where a motivated author thereby motivates me.

So what kind of blog is this? It's mine.

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